BSF HCM Result 2023, [LIVE] Download HCM & ASI Result and Merit List

BSF HCM Result 2023: The Border Security Force (BSF) has recently conducted a Head Constable Ministerial (HCM) examination for the Head Constable and Assistant Sub Inspector (ASI) opening positions. The exam was conducted on 17th and 18th June 2023, with several candidates appearing to write the exam. Candidates are now waiting for their BSF HCM Result 2023, and they can visit the official website of BSF, “ and make sure they download the marksheets from the mentioned website. The results are expected to be released on 30th July 2023 through the website. After checking their results, candidates must get at least 65 marks as cut-off marks to qualify and proceed further with the selection process.

BSF HCM Result 2023

The examination was conducted offline as part of the selection or recruitment process for the HCM and ASI. There are approximately 1635 vacancies for HCM and ASI posts. After getting the qualification marks, candidates can give their Physical Fitness Test and Medical Examination. If they qualify for these tests and exams, they can be shortlisted for the abovementioned positions. To check the results, candidates must use their Application or Registration ID. The candidate’s marksheets and BSF HCM ASI merit lists can be downloaded in PDF format. This article will give all the information related to the recruitment examination of HCM and ASI.

Regarding the age limitation, the minimum age for giving the written examination conducted by the Border Security Force is at least 18. As per the eligibility criteria, the candidate must be an Indian resident and be physically fit, including their height, weight, chest, vision, and many more. Also, they should not be involved in any criminal cases. Below is the overview table that will give you some brief ideas related to BSF’s Head Constable Ministerial and Assistant Sub Inspector opening recruitment examination post. So, let’s get started with the table and then move further with some additional information.

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BSF HCM & ASI Result 2023 Overview

Exam AuthorityBorder Security Force
Opening PostsHead Constable Ministerial (HCM) and Assistant Sub Inspector (ASI)
Vacancies (No.)1635 (Approx.)
Examination Date17th June 2023 to 18th June 2023
Result Date30th July 2023 (Expected)
Exam ModeOffline
Result ModeOnline
Cut-off Marks (Min.)65 Marks
Merit ListYet to be Released
Download FormatPDF
MarksheetsYet to be Released
Checking Procedure (Credentials)Roll Number and Date of Birth
Documents (Required)Education Certificates, Character Certificate, Fitness Certificate, etc.
Selection ProcedureWritten Examination, Physical Fitness Test, and Medical Examination 
Official Website
BSF HCM Result 2023
BSF HCM Result 2023

BSF HCM and ASI Result 2023 Link

The Border Security Force has recently conducted a recruitment examination for HCM and ASI posts. Candidates are waiting for their results to be released on 30th July 2023, i.e., tomorrow. Once the results are out, the students’ marksheets can be downloaded in PDF format, and currently, the marksheets are yet to be released. It will be released after the results are out.

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BSF HCM & ASI 2023 Cut off Marks

Following are the category-based cut-off marks that every candidate who is applying for the post of HCM and ASI should know and qualify for in the written recruitment examination conducted by BSF:

  • General – 65 marks to 70 marks
  • Other Backward Class – 60 marks to 65 marks
  • Scheduled Caste – 50 marks to 55 marks
  • Scheduled Tribes – 50 marks to 55 marks
  • Economically Weaker Sections – 60 marks to 65 marks

Please note that these cut-off marks are just the expected or the assumptions from the previous year. Always check your qualifying score before further procedures for selection.

BSF HCM & ASI Merit List 2023

The Border Security Force (BSF) has not yet released the merit list of the HCM and ASI recruitment posts. It is said that the merit list will be released just after the results are announced. Candidates must check some important updates and details related to results and others on the official website of BSF.

Border Security Force HCM & ASI Selection Procedure 2023

As part of the recruitment for the opening positions of HCM and ASI, BSF has recently been examined as part of the selection procedure. After the results, candidates who qualify for the written examination can proceed with the Physical Fitness Test and Medical Examination. After all the tests and exams are qualified, candidates are shortlisted, and the lists will be provided on the BSF’s official website.

BSF HCM Eligibility Criteria

Following are the eligibility criteria for the candidates who are applying for the recruitment post of HCM and ASI, conducted by BSF:

  • Candidates must be at least 18 years old to apply.
  • Candidates must be of Indian origin
  • Candidates must be 10+2 pass out from any institution or university.
  • Candidates must be physically fit in height, weight, chest, vision, etc.
  • Candidates must be medically fit as they don’t have any medical issues.

Every candidate must note it if they plan to apply for these recruitment positions.

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How to Download BSF HCM & ASI Result 2023

The BSF HCM ASI Result 2023 have not been released, but once it is released, the following are the steps that every candidate must check on the official website, which is mentioned above this article:

  • First, visit the BSF’s official website from your web browser.
  • Then, you must click the “Results” tab right in front of your screen.
  • Now, select the “BSF HCM ASI Result 2023” link on the web page shown on the screen.
  • You can enter your Roll Number and Date of Birth.
  • Then, click on the “Submit” button to view the result.
  • Finally, you can view your result, which can be downloaded in PDF format.

So, these are the steps you must follow to check the most important recruitment examinations of HCM and ASI.

Official WebsiteClick Here

Frequently Asked Questions: BSF HCM Result 2023

When will the BSF HCM ASI Result 2023 be announced?

What is the full form of BSF?

What is the full form of BSF?

The full form of BSF is Border Security Force.

What are the full forms of HCM and ASI?

The full forms of HCM and ASI are Head Constable Ministerial and Assistant Sub Inspector.


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